Corporate governance principles
ASM aspires to high standards of corporate governance and ethical practices. Sound corporate governance is a key component of our culture, behavior, and management, and this is consistent with our core values: We Care, We Innovate, and We Deliver.
Our structure
Our corporate governance is supported by a strong focus on integrity, transparency, and clear and timely communication. This aims to support our business and meet the needs of our stakeholders. We continue to monitor applicable laws, regulations, and rules, including the Dutch Corporate Governance Code. We continue to review and update our corporate governance documents to ensure compliance with these.
The company’s management and supervision structure is organized in a two-tier system:
- The Management Board is composed of executive directors who are assisted by an Executive Committee
- An independent Supervisory Board, composed of non-executive directors with two committees: the Audit Committee and the Nomination, Selection, and Remuneration Committee
In 2022, we set up an Executive Committee.
ASM International N.V. (ASM) is a limited liability company established under Dutch law. It is a holding company and the parent company of the ASM group of companies. ASM is listed on Euronext Amsterdam. ASM’s shareholders exercise their rights through Annual and Extraordinary General Meetings. For more information, visit our AGM & EGM page. The powers of the General Meeting are defined by Dutch law, the Dutch Corporate Governance Code, and our Articles of Association.
Management and supervision
Our organization is spearheaded by a team of dedicated, committed and passionate people. Together, they make sure ASM is ever developing.